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A Word From our Board of Directors

Trust Jesus.

It is so confoundingly, astoundingly, simple that it is hard to accept as the answer to life’s most important question. “why do we exist?”

We like to divide ourselves by what we are for or against. However, in the end the only difference in us that will matter is an unshakable certainty that Jesus loves you! That he died for you, and is coming soon to get you with open arms. In short, what I am saying is, believe in Jesus!

I believe in the infallibility of his word, because I believe in Jesus.

I rest, in his rest, because I believe in Jesus.

I look for his appearing with hope, because I believe in Jesus.

I walk in the Light as He is in the Light, because I believe in Jesus.

I am confident that he that began a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ, because, I BELIEVE IN JESUS!

Do you believe in Jesus? If the answer is yes then come and search the scripture with us to get to know your savior better.

If the answer is no then come search the scripture with us until you love my savior with all your heart and find the freedom and joy that we have found in Jesus.

Crossroads Board of Directors